Being a Mad Scientist

Daria Pydorenko
2 min readMay 13, 2019


Artificial languages ​​are usually created with a defined purpose, unlike natural languages. Vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar are developed
by their authors to translate and verify in practice
specific ideas. According to the purpose of creating artificial languages ​​can be divided into several groups (see more).

For example, Esperanto is an auxiliary language ​​intended for
practical international communication.

Lojban is a logical language with an unambiguous syntax and clear grammar structure. Another logical language, Ithkuil, is really hard to learn, because of a huge amount of phonemes and extreme complexity of grammar.

Quenya is a fictional language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien and used by the Elves in his legendarium.

Ook! is an esoteric programming language, where operators are the word Ook with various punctuation marks. It is a reference to the orang-utan Librarian in the novels of Terry Pratchett. The parent of this language is Brainfuck.

They all are different as our mind can be.

If I were a mad scientist, I would start up a big experiment for science. I would gather a lot of babies to teach them different artificial languages. Only specific language(s) for each one. And would try to understand how these languages would influence their mind. I would have a large number of psychologists to test it. And they would grow up and, after that, I could test their interaсtion with each other and with an outside world. Provided that they didn’t know common languages. Or if they knew but also knew another different language except this common.

There is Sapir-Whorf hypothesis holds that native speakers think differently in their languages and elements of such languages ​​are not translated into each other without distortion. Neither Whorf nor Sapir formulated the final hypothesis, bearing their name. In the most radical version of this hypothesis, there are even more far-reaching assertions that the language restricts a set of
thoughts may come to us.

As a mad scientist, I would prove this hypothesis, but nobody would want to give me the Nobel Prize.

In the book of George Orwell
the authoritarian state created the language “Newspeak”, artificial
language based on English, which in some way affects
human thinking making the opposition way
thinking impossible.

The language we speak forms our mind. Artificial languages are not only an experiment but a way to look at reality from different sides.

To be continued :)

You are not you without your way of expressing thoughts.

